February 6, 2011

A very overdue update!

Firstly, allow me to apologise for my lack of blogging. Quite simply, I haven't had much to mention recently. But now I'm putting pen to paper... so to speak, there seems a fair bit I could have said. So lets rush through those... merry christmas, happy new year, happy chinese new year. :) ok done. now on with the more interesting things!

Firstly, My next racing is coming up very soon! A lot sooner than i had expected in all honesty, I shall be competing in the first round of the Malaysian track series between 11th and 13th of february.My participation for this was only confirmed 2 weeks ago? So I'm not expecting anything good, I have been targeting the 2nd event of the series in March, so I was aiming to begin a hard block of training again around now, instead I had to bring this forward a bit, which wasnt helped by a recent holiday to Thailand! I'm hoping  to compete in the endurance events this time, with some bunch racing too. As apposed to in November where I targeted the sprint events, partially due to my lack of acclimatising. So hopefully I'll have more of an idea where my form is for when March comes!

Secondly, a pretty big undertaking by me has left me witht he lead role in organising a triathlon event! Now I have in the past said I have no interest in competing in a triathlon, and this still stands, the thought of me doing it sounds hell-ish. BUT i do enjoy the organisation side and also the spectating, in all honesty, my swimming ability lets me down alot, so i wouldnt want to embarass myself! Along with Neil Smith, head of Primary and somebody who has vast experience in organising and competing, we have begun putting together our event. Our venue shall be Nexus International School down in Putrajaya, and having taken a trip there recently with Neil, We have found some simply amazing roads, to make for a fantastic cycling route! The pool is set in a great position and their field measures exactly 500m making our job a fair bti easier for the younger categories running circuit! Our date will be confirmed by this Wednesday, pending approval from the Principal of Nexus, and a double check of thewhole school calendar. We've been in discussion with a number of potential sponsors, a couple of which I'm highly excited about the potential to work with! We have a very impressive lucky dip prize lined up for one lucky winner! Over the next 2 weeks we shall be releasing more information, and maybe I'll even be able to confirm a few of our sponsors!

This nicely leads on to my final news... I'm not going straight to university! *SHOCK HORROR* meh not really. Over the last couple of months i've been thinking, do I want to go straight in to another 4 years of boring education, and commit to a few more years of debt after that? simply no. The triathlon organisation is hopefully the first of many events I shall be organising over the next 2 years in order to gain experience allowing me to setup my own sports event management company, based in KL, with Neil Smith also being a partner in this! I'm hoping to focus on multi-sport and cycling events, something which I believe there could be much more of in Malaysia! I'm not going to completely drop university, i will spend 2 to 2 years establishing the company, and then aim to do a degree in sports management in KL, witht he business on the side to help with funding as well. I'm also looking to compelte my cycling coach training courses sometime over the next 2 or 3 years so i shall be able to offer coaching to other athletes, and also offer training camps in south east Asia! Again, this is work in progress, so I guess the next update on this, will follow the triathlon event, when I see how much of a success this has been!

So I think that will do for now. I'm back to school tomorrow.. yay?
Au revoir!