November 23, 2010

Race day 2

No, the above picture isn't a recent trip to the UK, this is my day's racing!!!
My event for today was the keirin, and was scheduled as one of the last events. The day started off nice and warm, never a good sign in KL. racing was good, i was able to watch the sprint finals. I'd had an easy spin on the rollers to warm me up in the morning. I was just about to prepare for my race warm up, when the rain started!  All racing postponed till tomorrow, So I shall let you know how that goes!  Today did give me a chance to reflect on yesterday with my coach, Musairi Musa, about yesterday's sprint, and despite not doing asd well as i hoped, he's happy with my approach and technically I'm all good, so now we start building the strength back up!Sairi has also arranged a 51 chainring for me, because my 90 inch gear is seeming very small on this track! So tomorrow, i hit it, and I hit it hard! i'm feeling good. So hopefully i can get a good result for the team!
I also today handed over the paperwork my my Malaysian UCi race liscence ;) So no more british cycling :D haha. this is surreal, talking with team managers we have alot planned for the next year or so! More to come on that in the near future i hope ;)

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